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Angelographia; or, A Discourse concerning the Nature and Power of the Holy Angels. [1696] ⇒ Kindle
Increase Mather [1639-1723]
Annotations upon the Epistle to the Colossians. [1664] ⇒ PDF
Giovanni (John) Diodati [1576-1649]
Antinomianism Anatomized. [1643] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
John Sedgwick [c. 1600-1643]
Are Baptists Inerrantists? [1992] ⇒ Kindle NOOK PDF
G. Wm. Foster, Jr. [b. 1953]
The Art of Self-Denial; or, A Christian's First Lesson. [1646] ⇒ Kindle
Thomas Brightman [1562-1607]
Autobiography of Jefferson Davis. [1890] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
Jefferson Davis [1808-1889]
Baptist Principles Reset. [1902] ⇒ Kindle Nook PDF
Jeremiah Bell Jeter [1802-1880]
Various other authors.
A Biblical Perspective on War. [1698] ⇒ Kindle PDF
John Edwards [1637-1716]
The Books of the Old and New Testaments Canonical and Inspired; with Remarks on the Apocrypha. [1846] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
Robert Haldane [1764-1842]
The Boring of the Ear. [1623] ⇒ Kindle PDF
Stephen Egerton [1555?-1621?]
A Brief and Excellent Treatise containing the Doctrine of Godliness, or Living unto God. [1647] ⇒ Kindle
John Norton [1606-1663]
Brief Directions unto a Godly Life. [1637] ⇒ Kindle
Paul Bayne(s) [c. 1573-1617]
The Brook Besor: For those who must Tarry at Home. [1879] ⇒ Kindle PDF
Andrew Alexander Bonar [1810-1892]
The Chaplains and Clergy of the Revolution. [1864] ⇒ Kindle NOOK PDF
Joel Tyler Headley [1813-1897]
Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892). [1911] ⇒ Kindle NOOK PDF
Frederick Brotherton Meyer [1847-1929]
Christianity and Liberalism. [1923] ⇒ PDF
John Gresham Machen [1881-1937]
Christianity and the Law; or, The Claims of Religion upon the Legal Profession. [1871] ⇒ Kindle
Benjamin Morgan Palmer [1818-1902]
Christianity is Christ. [1900] ⇒ PDF
William Henry Griffith-Thomas [1861-1924]
Christianity the Key to the Character and Career of Washington. [1886] ⇒ Kindle NOOK PDF
Phillip Slaughter [1808-1890]
The Claims of Religion upon Medical Men. [1844] ⇒ Kindle
Henry Augustus Boardman [1808-1880]
The Craft and Cruelty of the Church's Adversaries. [1643] ⇒ NOOK
Matthew Newcomen [c. 1610-1669]
The Cry of Sodom Inquired Into. [1674] ⇒ Kindle PDF
Samuel Danforth [1626-1674]
The Divine Glory of Christ. [1868] ⇒ Kindle NOOK PDF
Charles John Brown [n. d.]
The Divine Purpose. [1843] ⇒ Kindle
John Matthews [n. d.]
The Doctrine of Justification. [1837] ⇒ Kindle NOOK PDF
Archibald Alexander [1772-1851]
The Doctrine of Prayer; Its Utility; and its Relation to Providence. [1876] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
Patrick Hues Mell [1814-1888]
The Doctrine of the Perseverance of the Saints. [1835] ⇒ Kindle
Shephard Kosciuszko Kollock [1795-1865]
Early Life and Letters of General Thomas J. Jackson, "Stonewall Jackson." [1916] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
Thomas Jackson Arnold [1845-1933]
An Essay on the Mode and Subjects of Christian Baptism. [1844] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
John Stock [1817-1884]
Evangelical Worship is Spiritual Worship. [1660] ⇒ Kindle PDF
Matthew Poole [1624-1679]
An Examination of the Chief Points of Antinomianism. [1647] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
Thomas Bedford [d. 1653]
The Faithful Promiser. [1849] ⇒ PDF Free Title!
John Ross MacDuff [1818-1895]
Famous Reformers of the Reformed and Presbyterian Churches. A Mission Study Manual on the Reformation. [1916] ⇒ Kindle PDF
James Isaac Good [1850-1924]
Funeral Services at the Burial of the Right Rev. Leonidas Polk, D.D. [1864] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
Stephen Elliott [1806-1866]
Glorying in the Cross. [1864] ⇒ Kindle PDF
John Maclaurin [1693-1754]
A Good Minister of Jesus Christ. [1693] ⇒ Kindle
George Hamond [1620-1705]
Infant-Baptism Historically Considered. [1916] ⇒ NOOK
William Joseph McGlothlin [1867-1933]
Jefferson Davis. A Memorial Address, delivered in St. Paul's Church, Richmond, Va., December 11, 1889. [1889] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
Charles Frederic Ernest Minnigerode [1814-1894]
Jefferson Davis's Place in History as Revealed in his Letters, Papers, and Speeches. [1923] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
Dunbar Rowland [1864-1937]
John Knox: His Ideas and Ideals. [1904] ⇒ Kindle
James Stalker [1848-1927]
The Life and Letters of Margaret Junkin Preston. [1903] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
Elizabeth Preston Allan [1848-1933]
The Life of Francis Marion. [1860] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
William Gilmore Simms [1806-1870]
The Light of Asia and the Light of the World. [1885] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
Samuel Henry Kellogg [1839-1899]
The Moral Law considered as a Rule of Life to Believers. [1795] ⇒ KINDLE
Samuel Burder [1773-1837]
My School Days: Reconstruction Experiences in the South. [1914] ⇒ Kindle
Wade Hampton Harris [1858-1935]
Nathan Hale, the Martyr Spy. [1899] ⇒ Kindle
Charles Walter Brown [1866-1934]
None Like Christ. [1868] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
Octavius Winslow [1808-1878]
The Offices of Christ. [1840] ⇒ Kindle NOOK PDF
George Stevenson [n. d.]
William Swan Plumer, Ed. [1802-1880]
A. S. Pettie [n. d.]
Orthodox Paradoxes; or, A Believer Clearing Truth by Seeming Contradictions. [1657] ⇒ Kindle NOOK PDF
Ralph Venning [c. 1621-c. 1673/4]
Personal Reminiscences of Stonewall Jackson. [1886] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
Margaret Junkin Preston [1820-1897]
Practical Exposition of the Book of Jonah. [1842] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
James Peddie [1758-1845]
Prayers from Metropolitan Tabernacle; C. H. Spurgeon's Prayers.[1906] ⇒ Kindle NOOK PDF
Charles Haddon Spurgeon [1834-1892]
The Real Stonewall Jackson. [1894] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
Daniel Harvey Hill [1821-1889]
Recollections of Nettleton, and the Great Revival of 1820. [1848] ⇒ Kindle PDF
Ralph S. Smith [n. d.]
A Remedy against Private Contentions. [1618] ⇒ Kindle
John Dod [c. 1549-1645]
Robert E. Lee. [1890] ⇒ Kindle
Jefferson Davis [1808-1889]
Sack and Destruction of the City of Columbia, S. C. [1865] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
William Gilmore Simms [1806-1870]
The Saint and the Sinner. [1844] ⇒ Kindle
William Swan Plumer [1802-1880]
The Scottish Pulpit from the Reformation to the Present. [1887] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
William Mackergo Taylor [1829-1895]
The Sermon delivered at the Inauguration of the Rev. Archibald Alexander, D.D., etc. [1812] ⇒ Kindle
Samuel Miller [1769-1850]
Various authors.
Sermons and Essays by the Tennents and their Contemporaries. [1855] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
Archibald Alexander [1772-1851], Ed.
The Smell of the Lamp Bible Commentary. Vol. 44. ACTS. [2020] ⇒ Kindle
G. Wm. Foster, Jr. [b. 1953]
The Soul of Lee. [1917] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
Randolph Harrison McKim [1842-1920]
The Southern States of the American Union. [1895] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
Jabez Lamar Monroe Curry [1825-1903]
Stonewall Jackson in the Shenandoah. [1885] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
John Daniel Imboden [1823-1895]
Stonewall Jackson's Last Battle. [1886] ⇒ Kindle
James Power Smith [1837-1923]
St. Paul's Epistle to the Philippians. [1885] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
Charles John Vaughan [1819-1897]
The Theology and Theologians of Scotland. [1888] ⇒ Kindle
James Walker [1821-1891]
A Treatise of Divine Meditation. [1660] ⇒ Kindle
John Ball [1585-1640]
The True and Proper and Eternal Sonship of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Only-Begotten Son of God. [1861] ⇒ Kindle
John Charles Philpot [1802-1869]
Twelve Great Questions about Christ. [1923] ⇒ KINDLE NOOK PDF
Clarence Edward Noble Macartney [1879-1957]
Two Discourses on the Popular Objections to the Doctrine of Election. [1848] ⇒ Kindle NOOK PDF
Henry Augustus Boardman [1808-1880]
Washington and his Generals. (Vol. 1) [1847] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
Washington and his Generals. (Vol. 2) [1847] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
Joel Tyler Headley [1813-1897]
The Wells of Salvation; or, A Treatise Discovering the Nature, Preciousness, Usefulness of Gospel Promises. [1655] ⇒ Kindle
William Spurstowe [c. 1605-1666]
Whose Bible Is It? [2016] ⇒ Kindle
G. Wm. Foster, Jr. [b. 1953]
ALEXANDER Archibald [1772-1851]
The Doctrine of Justification. [1837] ⇒ Kindle NOOK PDF
Sermons and Essays by the Tennenets and their Contemporaries. [1855] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
ALLAN Elizabeth Preston [1848-1933]
The Life and Letters of Margaret Junkin Preston. [1903] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
ARNOLD Thomas Jackson [1845-1933]
Early Life and Letters of General Thomas J. Jackson, "Stonewall Jackson.". [1916] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
BALL John [1585-1640]
A Treatise of Divine Meditation. [1660] ⇒ Kindle
BAYNE(S) Paul [c. 1573-1617]
Brief Directions unto a Godly Life. [1637] ⇒ Kindle
BEDFORD Thomas [d. 1653]
An Examination of the Chief Points of Antinomianism. [1647] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
BRIGHTMAN Thomas [1562-1607]
The Art of Self-Denial; or, A Christian's First Lesson. [1646] ⇒ Kindle
BOARDMAN Henry Augustus [1808-1880]
Two Discourses on the Popular Objections to the Doctrine of Election. [1848] ⇒ Kindle NOOK PDF
The Claims of Religion upon Medical Men. [1844] ⇒ Kindle
BONAR Andrew Alexander [1810-1892]
The Brook Besor: For those who must Tarry at Home. [1879] ⇒ Kindle PDF
BROWN Charles John [n. d.]
The Divine Glory of Christ. [1868] ⇒ Kindle NOOK PDF
BROWN Charles Walter [1866-1934]
Nathan Hale, the Martyr Spy. [1899] ⇒ Kindle
BURDER Samuel [1773-1837]
The Moral Law considered as a Rule of Life to Believers. [1795] ⇒ KINDLE
CURRY Jabez Lamar Monroe [1825-1903]
The Southern States of the American Union. [1895] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
DANFORTH Samuel [1626-1674]
The Cry of Sodom Inquired Into. [1674] ⇒ Kindle PDF
DAVIS Jefferson [1808-1889]
Autobiography of Jefferson Davis. [1890] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
Robert E. Lee. [1890] ⇒ Kindle
DIODATI Giovanni (John) [1576-1649]
Annotations upon the Epistle to the Colossians. [1664] ⇒ PDF
DOD John [c. 1549-1645]
A Remedy against Private Contentions. [1618] ⇒ Kindle
EDWARDS John [1637-1716]
A Biblical Perspective on War. [1698] ⇒ Kindle PDF
EGERTON Stephen [c. 1555-c. 1621]
The Boring of the Ear. [1623] ⇒ Kindle PDF
ELLIOTT Stephen [1806-1866]
Funeral Services at the Burial of the Right Rev. Leonidas Polk, D.D. [1864] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
FOSTER G. Wm., Jr. [b. 19853]
Are Baptists Inerrantists? [1992] ⇒ Kindle NOOK PDF
The Smell of the Lamp Bible Commentary. Vol. 44. ACTS. [2020] ⇒ Kindle
Whose Bible Is It? [2016] ⇒ Kindle
GOOD James Isaac [1850-1924]
Famous Reformers of the Reformed and Presbyterian Churches. [1916] ⇒ Kindle PDF
HALDANE Robert [1764-1842]
The Books of the Old and New Testaments Canonical and Inspired; with Remarks on the Apocrypha. [1846] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
HAMOND George [1620-1705]
A Good Minister of Jesus Christ. [1693] ⇒ Kindle
HARRIS Wade Hampton [1858-1935]
My School Days: Reconstruction Experiences in the South. [1914] ⇒ Kindle
HEADLEY Joel Tyler [1816-1897]
The Chaplains and Clergy of the Revolution. [1864] ⇒ Kindle NOOK PDF
Washington and his Generals. (Vol. 1) [1847] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
Washington and his Generals. (Vol. 2) [1847] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
HILL Daniel Harvey [1821-1889]
The Real Stonewall Jackson. [1894] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
IMBODEN John Daniel [1823-1895]
Stonewall Jackson in the Shenandoah. [1885] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
JETER Jeremiah Bell [1802-1880]
Baptist Principles Reset. [1902] ⇒ Kindle Nook PDF
KELLOGG Samuel Henry [1839-1899]
The Light of Asia and the Light of the World. [1885] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
KOLLOCK Shephard Kosciuszko [1795-1865]
The Doctrine of the Perseverance of the Saints. [1835] ⇒ Kindle
MacDUFF John Ross [1818-1895]
The Faithful Promiser. [1849] ⇒ PDF Free Title!
MACHEN John Gresham [1881-1897]
Christianity and Liberalism. [1923] ⇒ PDF
MACARTNEY Clarence Edward Noble [1879-1957]
Twelve Great Question about Christ. [1923] ⇒ KINDLE NOOK PDF
MACLAURIN John [1693-1754]
Glorying in the Cross. [1864] ⇒ Kindle PDF
MATHER Increase [1639-1723]
Angelographia; or, A Discourse concerning the Nature and Power of the Holy Angels. [1696] ⇒ Kindle
MATTHEWS John [n. d.]
The Divine Purpose. [1843] ⇒ Kindle
McGLOTHLIN William Joseph [1867-1933]
Infant-Baptism Historically Considered. [1916] ⇒ NOOK
McKIM Randolph Harrison [1842-1920]
The Soul of Lee. [1917] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
MELL Patrick Hues [1814-1888]
The Doctrine of Prayer; Its Utility; and its Relation to Providence. [1876] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
MEYER Frederick Brotherton [1847-1929]
Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892). [1911] ⇒ Kindle NOOK PDF
MILLER Samuel [1769-1850]
The Sermon delivered at the Inauguration of the Rev. Archibald Alexander, D.D., etc. [1812] ⇒ Kindle
MINNIGERODE Charles Frederic Ernest [1814-1894]
Jefferson Davis. A Memorial Address, delivered in St. Paul's Church, Richmond, Va., December 11, 1889. [1889] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
NEWCOMEN Matthew [c. 1610-1669]
The Craft and Cruelty of the Church's Adversaries. [1643] ⇒ NOOK
NORTON John [1606-1663]
A Brief and Excellent Treatise containing the Doctrine of Godliness, or Living unto God. [1647] ⇒ Kindle
PALMER Benjamin Morgan [1818-1902]
Christianity and the Law; or, The Claims of Religion upon the Legal Profession. [1871] ⇒ Kindle
PEDDIE James [1758-1845]
Practical Exposition of the Book of Jonah. [1842] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
PETTIE A. S. [n. d.]
On the Doctrines of Grace. [1925] ⇒ Kindle
PHILPOT John Charles [1802-1869]
The True and Proper and Eternal Sonship of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Only-Begotten Son of God. [1861] ⇒ Kindle
PLUMER William Swan [1802-1880]
The Offices of Christ. [1840] ⇒ Kindle NOOK PDF
The Saint and the Sinner. [1844] ⇒ Kindle
POOLE Matthew [1624-1679]
Evangelical Worship is Spiritual Worship. [1660] ⇒ Kindle PDF
PRESTON Margaret Junkin [1820-1897]
Personal Reminiscences of Stonewall Jackson. [1886] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
ROWLAND Dunbar [1864-1937]
Jefferson Davis's Place in History as Revealed in his Letters, Papers, and Speeches. [1923] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
SEDGWICK John [c. 1600-1643]
Antinomianism Anatomized. [1643] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
SIMMS William Gilmore [1806-1870]
Sack and Destruction of the City of Columbia, S. C. [1865] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
The Life of Francis Marion. [1860] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
SLAUGHTER Philip [1808-1890]
Christianity the Key to the Character and Career of Washington. [1886] ⇒ Kindle NOOK PDF
SMITH James Power [1837-1923]
Stonewall Jackson's Last Battle. [1886] ⇒ Kindle
SMITH Ralph S. [n. d.]
Recollections of Nettleton, and the Great Revival of 1820. [1848] ⇒ Kindle PDF
SPURGEON Charles Haddon [1834-1892]
Prayers from Metropolitan Tabernacle; C. H. Spurgeon's Prayers. [1906] ⇒ Kindle NOOK PDF
SPURSTOWE William [c. 1605-1666-]
The Wells of Salvation; or, A Treatise Discovering the Nature, Preciousness, Usefulness of Gospel Promises. [1655] ⇒ Kindle
STALKER James [1842-1927]
John Knox: His Ideas and Ideals. [1904] ⇒ Kindle
STEVENSON George [n. d.]
The Offices of Christ. [1840] ⇒ Kindle NOOK PDF
STOCK John [1817-1884]
An Essay on the Mode and Subjects of Christian Baptism. [1844] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
TAYLOR William Mackergo [1829-1895]
The Scottish Pulpit from the Reformation to the Present. [1887] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
THOMAS William Henry Griffith [1861-1924]
Christianity is Christ. [1900] ⇒ PDF
WALLER James [1821-1891]
The Theology and Theologians of Scotland. [1888] ⇒ Kindle
WINSLOW Octavius [1808-1878]
None Like Christ. [1868] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
VAUGHAN Charles John [1819-1897]
St. Paul's Epistle to the Philippians. [1885] ⇒ Kindle NOOK
VENNING Ralph [1621-1674]
Orthodox Paradoxes; or, A Believer Clearing Truth by Seeming Contradictions. [1657] ⇒ Kindle NOOK PDF